It’s been quite sometime since I had an entry in this blog. So, for my readers, I apologize. Life has been interesting under Covid both for me and my clients. It seemed that I thought it did not bother me so much as I am able to work remotely from home and have family around me. Also, we are all vaccinated, and have felt pretty safe,

But, I realize that in spite of all this, this pandemic has taken its toll on me and many of my clients – causing more anxiety than previously. It is also interesting that most of us are unaware of the toll that the pandemic has taken on our psyches. We feel we are managing – and most of us are. But, never knowing if someone you are near is spreading something or even if you might be asymptomatic and spreading to someone else, can be unconsciously stressful. Feeling isolated, which is horrible in itself, and not being able to move about freely just feels so UnAmerican.

I began to realize more deeply the effect of this rampant virus when any of my plans to travel or visit others or even attend a book club meeting were being severely curtailed. People are returning to traveling now, but the thought of getting on a crowded plane and going through a crowded airport with people who don’t wear masks or wear them incorrectly (below their nose) is upsetting to me.

I do not mind wearing a mask. It is much better than having to be intubated and wearing a ventilator and not being able to breathe. A mask is a minor inconvenience. If that will help me stay healthy and help others, I am not offended. What kind of a person would I be if I wouldn’t do that? What kind of therapist and healthcare professional would I be if I complained about wearing a mask when out and about.

I don’t like masks either. It would be nice to feel free again and not worry. But, perhaps this virus is a lesson for all of us. That lesson is showing us what kind of people we are if we do not care about each other or about the world. Who are we if we blame a race or a doctor or a politician or whomever for a ‘disease.’ Can you imagine if we politicized cancer or diabetes or muscular dystrophy. Please – this kind of thinking is absurd.

We are so fortunate to have a vaccine that works. That in itself is pretty amazing. Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have over 90% efficacy. This is almost unheard of in medical research. The flu vaccine is only 40-60% effective – yet everyone is willing to take that. And, yes, people do die from the flu. Our children are vaccinated against childhood diseases. Why do we do that? Because we love them and want them to be safe.

I understand not wanting vaccinations – I really do. There is a lot of information that some of them have done harm. But, by and large, vaccinations have changed our healthcare system. People live longer and do not die from polio or smallpox, nor diphtheria anymore due to vaccinations.

And, for those of you who might be reading this who do not want to get vaccinated, nor wear a mask, nor even wash your hands frequently, think of those you love. Think of others as well as yourself. If you get covid and are not vaccinated, it is a little too late to beg the doctors to give you the vaccine.

Be gracious, be kind. Let us all care for each other by respecting each other during this extraordinary time. If you want to get back to normal, or at least a semblance of normal, please get vaccinated; wear a mask and understand that we are all going through this – together.

It will reduce Covid anxiety.